Sharing practices of local public communication
Sharing practices of local public communication
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Read the last releases of Commonality
- Five safeguards against fake news N°9 18th July 2024
- The Toulouse Forum: facing challenges together N°8 11th April 2024
- In Zagreb, communication is a vital issue N°7 15th February 2024
- Quebec communicators on the cutting edge of integration N°6 25th July 2023
- Strengthening democratic debate in Europe N°5 20th April 2023
- Local communicators networking in Italy N°4 26th January 2023
- Communicating the love of nature N°3 8th November 2022
- Migration narratives in local communication, and over N°2 6th July 2022
- European benchmarks for our changing jobs N°1 21st April 2022
Commonality aims to be a source of inspiration for communication professionals in public administrations, local authorities, public services and associations, who all share the commonality for useful and effective public interest communication. This is why Commonality strives to highlight innovative, exemplary and effective communication initiatives in support of public policies.
Each article published in Commonality is also available in French and can be shared through Francophonie.
Information on public services, public policy pedagogy, crisis communication, socio-environmental transition, marketing and identity of regions, internal communication and participatory democracy.

Published articles originate from the reflections led by Cap'Com in France and in the French-speaking world, but also stem from the exchanges that Cap'Com conducts with its counterparts at the European level or in democratic countries throughout the world. Cap’Com is an open network, with no membership fees. Subscription to Commonality is simple and free of charge. Cap'Com also publishes Point Commun, a bi-monthly newsletter in French, as well as Les Cahiers de la communication publique et territoriale in paper edition.
Cap'Com is a general interest cooperative.
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- Share Commonality with your professional network and public communicators in your regions
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